Syrup + Scott

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23 Things I Learned at 23

October is my favorite month of the year. It’s the first full month of fall, even if I do live in a state that doesn’t really know fall. It is the start to the most festive time of year, because in my book Halloween is just the start of holiday parties and get-togethers. It always for some reason seems to be my busiest month, and by that I mean every weekend this month has been jam-packed with mini-road trips and planned events. And it’s my birthday month, hello 24!

23 was a year. I feel like 23 is a weird age. You aren’t 20 or 21 anymore but you also aren’t 24 or 25, so you’re age kind of gets…forgotten for lack of a better word. Blink 182 said nobody likes you when you’re 23, but I think it’s more like “oh you’re 23…eh” (shrugging emoji). That being said, it is not a bad age. 23 was a year of a lot of learning. Learning likes and dislikes. Learning to stand my ground. And learning just life things in general. Here’s 23 things I learned at 23:

  1. Magic erasers truly are magic - Like I’m pretty sure there is actual magic in them. I don’t know what they are made of and frankly, I’m not sure I want to.

  2. Homemade coffee and lattes just never taste as good as they do from a coffee shop - And they likely never will. Stop spending your money and suck it up.

  3. Fear of doctors is real, but if you feel like something is not right health-wise just go to the doctor. Gut instincts don’t lie. And while you’re at it, maybe book a dentist appointment.

  4. Speaking of coffee and gut instincts, switch to matcha or chai. Your stomach will thank you.

  5. It’s all fun and games until you eat copious amounts of gluten. No seriously stop eating gluten, it’ll solve a lot of issues.

  6. There are some people you think and wish could be around your whole life. Grandparents are some of those people.

  7. Choose people wisely. Your chosen family is just as important as blood related family because your chosen family chooses you too. Do not waste your time on those that do not choose you.

  8. Work your ass off. If you want to be friends with the people you admire, you need to work just as hard as them.

  9. Your time is valuable. Do not let anybody take advantage of it. You’re allowed to say no to that is someone requesting time that you don’t have.

  10. Don’t stress so much about your career. You aren’t supposed to have everything figured out. If you don’t like your job, quit. You’ll find a new one. The average 9-5 is not for everyone.

  11. You do not need to be constantly surrounded by friends or people to be happy. Feeling left out? Work on the things you love. You can’t be sad doing something you love.

  12. Mental health is important is far too important to be not taken seriously. Take care of yourself inside and out.

  13. Be gracious. There is no use in getting angry or upset, because those emotions only affect you. If someone upsets you, let it go.

  14. You cannot get rid of gnats in plants overnight. It takes time. A little ACV and dish soap concoction and your plants will be ok.

  15. The pain of losing someone important to you never goes away. Fairytales and love stories talk about the heartbreak you go through during a break-up. But this is a heartbreak not talked about in fairytales.

  16. Let go of what you cannot control. Cliche I know, but it saves a lot of stress and tears.

  17. Even if you aren’t sure how something will get done, it will get done. That work deadline? You’ll make it. School capstone? Turned in on time.

  18. Everyone is on their own timeline. There is no “one right way” to live or path to follow. Don’t compare your 23 to someone else’s 23.

  19. You aren’t saving quarters for laundry anymore. It’s about time you start separating your lights and darks.

  20. Pets make everything better and they instantly put a smile on your face. Having a bad day? Forcefully hold the cat or dog until they love you.

  21. You are so much more loved than you even know. Even on days you don’t feel it. You know some of the best people and even if you don’t see them everyday, they love you.

  22. Making good quality friends and finding your tribe is really hard. Keep the good ones and hold onto them. Like I said before, your chosen family chooses you too.

  23. Invest in your skincare and makeup. Drugstore products are good, but all natural, vegan, and cruelty-free products are better. And also, read ingredients because what you put on your face should only be the best.